Tuesday, February 13, 2018

3 Dynamic, 30-minute Fat-burning Routines

Tom Corbett

Workout 1: The 30-Minute Med Ball Melter

Dynamic 3-min. Warmup

Complete each exercise in order two times through.

  • Glute Bridges (10 reps)
  • Forward Lunge With Rotation (5 per side)
    • Pause at bottom of lunge and plant the hand of the back leg on the floor inside the front foot; rotate chest toward front knee while reaching to the ceiling with hand of front leg. Hold for 2 sec. and then switch.
  • March in Place (30 sec.)


Do these six exercises as a circuit with five Medicine Ball Slams between each exercise. Rest 30 sec. after medicine ball slams. Complete three rounds.

  • Walking Lunge With Torso Rotation Holding Medicine Ball at Chest (10 per side)
  • Alternating Pushup With Med Ball Under One Hand (5 per arm)
  • Forearm Plank (45 to 60 sec.)
  • Single-leg RDL Holding Medicine Ball (10 per leg)
  • 10 Pullups (if needed, use an elastic strap or weight-assist machine)
  • Russian Twist With Medicine Ball (10 to 20 per side)

Workout by Hollis Tuttle, RRCA-certified running coach, Mile High Run Club, New York City


Woman on Indoor Rower

AJ_Watt / Getty

Workout 2: The Half-Hour Power Row

10-min. Warmup

  • 4 min. @ 22 stroke rate
  • 3 min. @ 24 stroke rate
  • 2 min. @ 26 stroke rate
  • 1 min. @ 28 stroke rate

Rest 60 sec.

12-min. Row Time

Rest 45 to 60 sec. between each piece.

  • Piece 1:
    • 2 min. @ 24 stroke rate
    • 1 min. @ 26 stroke rate
  • Piece 2:
    • 2 min. @ 26 stroke rate
    • 1 min. @ 28 stroke rate
  • Piece 3:
    • 2 min. @ 28 stroke rate
    • 1 min. @ 30 stroke rate

Rest 60 sec.

6-min. Finisher

Hit each stroke rate for 20 sec., rest for 20 sec. after every 40-sec. mark.

  • 26, 28 x 2 (90% power)
  • 28, 30 x 2 (95% power)
  • 30, 32 x 2 (100% power)

Workout by Jason Lee, trainer, Row House NYC


Woman Doing Battle Ropes at the Gym

Peathegee Inc / Getty

Workout 3: 30-Minute HIIT Circuit


Do 2 min. on treadmill.


Repeat 2 times.

  • Run (1 min.)
  • Sprint + Walk (30 sec. each)
  • Run (1 min.)
  • Walking Dumbbell Lunge With Biceps Curl (1 min.)
  • Pushup + Pullup (1 min. alternating 5 of each, assisted or unassisted)
  • Plank (1 min.)

Rest 1 min.


Repeat 2 times.

  • Walk (1 min.; incline 12%)
  • Jog (1 min.; incline 6%)
  • Walk (1 min.; incline 12%)
  • Goblet Squats (20 reps—use weight that is very challenging by the last few reps)
  • Bentover Barbell Rows (15 reps)
  • Barbell Shoulder Presses (15 reps)

Rest 1 min. after you complete 2 rounds


Repeat 2 times.

  • Battle Rope (30 sec.)
  • Ball Slam (30 sec.)
  • Burpee (30 sec.)

Rest 30 sec.

Workout by Jamie George, instructor/director of training, Ripped Fitness


Via Bodybuilding Feed http://www.rssmix.com/

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