Monday, March 26, 2018

Take Your CrossFit WOD to the Next Level With the Filthy Fifty Remake

Windshield Wiper
Per Bernal

As originally designed for CrossFitters, the classic Filthy Fifty workout calls for 50 reps each of 10 different exercises, completed in as little time as possible. The traditional Filthy Fifty is a nice assortment of painful, functional movements, but it’s not quite in our muscle-building wheelhouse.

Helping to beef up Filthy Fifty is Craig Hysell, CF-L2, owner and head coach of Conviction Training Facility ( in Hilton Head, SC. His rendition of the WOD (at right) introduces some great physique-building movements—flyes, curls, lat pulldowns—while keeping it sufficiently functional, painful, and, yes, filthy.

“This workout is meant to illicit hypertrophy and aid in joint health and recovery,” Hysell says. “It should be done with light to medium-light weights, depending on your training age, and preferably before a rest day. The goal is to keep tension on the muscle throughout the movement to optimize muscle growth.”

Via Bodybuilding Feed

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