Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Grilled Watermelon

Grilled Watermelon
Traeger Grills

Yummy, salty, crispy, and grilled...watermelon? That's right, this BBQ staple that's quickly gaining popularity packs a uniquely fresh and bright taste, but still has some classic BBQ char to it.

Lightly sprinkle the watermelon wedges on both sides with the salt.
Stand the watermelon wedges on their edges on a rack over a sink or pan, and let them drain for half an hour.
Start the Traeger on smoke with the lid open for 4 to 5 minutes, or until fire is established.
Preheat grill to high for 10 to 15 minutes.
After the watermelon has drained, rinse each piece under cold running water. Place each piece between two folded paper towels, and gently but firmly press to remove excess water.
Brush the watermelon lightly on both sides with the honey.
Place the watermelon slices on the grill grate. and Traeger them until grill marks have formed and the melon is slightly softened, about 5 minutes.
Remove from grill, sprinkle with sea salt, and squeeze lime juice over the top. Enjoy.
Via Bodybuilding Feed http://www.rssmix.com/

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