Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Unbreakable Workout Program to Get in the Best Shape of Your Life

The Unbreakable Workout Program to Get in the Best Shape of Your Life
James Michelfelder

Looking big, strong, and conditioned is one thing. But being big, strong, and conditioned is another.

Can you push, pull, or carry something incredibly heavy? How well do you sprint, jump, or climb? And do you have the stamina to bust your ass for a sustained period of time?

Stop training for the pump. Instead, use this program to take your conditioning and size to a whole new level.


How it works

This routine is built around foundational lifts, but with a unique challenge to break up the mundane.

On Day 1, battle ropes will test your endurance while thrashing your shoulders and arms, and taxing your lungs.

On Day 2, you’ll use the sled, a sadistic device that’ll force your entire body to work. Hard.

Finally, Day 3, the most gut-wrenching, includes front-rack hang cleans to walking lunges and trap bar deadlifts paired with farmer’s walks. These will expose and strengthen any weak spots.

To be ready for anything, you need to take your body to the brink of failure and beyond. With this plan, three days will be all you need.



Rest 90–120 seconds after reps of 6 and below. Rest 60 seconds after reps above 6. Do these workouts on nonconsecutive days for two to four weeks. Foam roll for 10 minutes before and after each workout.


Via Bodybuilding Feed http://www.rssmix.com/

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