Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Ultimate Forearms Workout for Advanced Lifters

Muscular Arms Crossed
NKS_Imagery / Getty

Even experienced gym rats have a tendency to ignore their forearms in the gym. After all, the forearms play a role in most every lift. At the very least they’re along for the ride, if not a major contributing factor.

So why bother targeting an area that’s already likely trained sufficiently in the gym—to say nothing if you spend any time swimming, paddling, golfing, or, heck, even juggling?


For starters, you might want to improve the power in your swim, golf, or paddle stroke. You should want to address an area that plays a key role in typing (no pun intended) and the lifting movements of everyday life. You’ll definitely want to boost muscles that give your chest and arms a balanced, symmetrical look, especially when rolling up the sleeves on a long-sleeve shirt.

Plus, unlike the calves, which many guys have trouble building, the forearms respond quickly to training, providing one of the better returns on investment of gym time. That’s why you should train the forearms—even if you’re not able to juggle three (or more) medicine balls in the gym.


In this series, we’re going to do the following six exercises performed in a circuit. Move from one exercise to the next, stopping for a one-minute break only at the end of each circuit. Do three circuits in total.

*Note: Since much of this workout is bodyweight-only, you can do it at a playground—which is much more fun if you have kids.


Via Bodybuilding Feed

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