Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The Barbell Complex Program to Shed Fat: Part 2

Barbell Split Squat
Edgar Artiga / M+F Magazine

In the first part of our fat-burning barbell complex program, we provided the road map for constructing your own complexes—that is, four to six exercises performed in succession using one tool, like a kettlebell, barbell, or dumbbells. Then we outlined three barbell complexes for you to try, focusing on hypertrophy (in your upper and lower body) and then muscular endurance.

To round out Part 2 of our complex-focused feature, we give you two more complexes to try—one aimed at building strength and one for improving your athletic prowess. If you followed along last program, at this point you: a) should be used to performing multijoint movements with no rest in between, and b) can maintain perfect form as you reach the brink of complete exhaustion, which is a good thing because these final two complexes are no cakewalk.

For starters, the rep count will be lower for the strength routine, meaning the weight will be heavier. There’s a reason most powerlifters rest upwards of three minutes after a heavy set of squats or deadlifts, so be prepared to feel fried after just one or two rounds. As for the second complex, all the moves are dynamic. You won’t just be squatting—you’ll be doing jump squats. And forget upright rows. Instead, you’ll be performing full-on clean high pulls. The point is, workout No. 2 will demand some serious focus and stamina. But, in the end, neither of these is too complex, just difficult. So, are you ready?


Complete 5 rounds of each complex, resting 90 seconds between rounds.

Back to The Barbell Complex to Shed Fat: Part 1 >>

Via Bodybuilding Feed

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