Monday, January 8, 2018

Velositol: An Explosive Muscle Protein Synthesizer

Sled Pull With Tires

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Whether you are looking to build size, improve strength or develop explosive speed, it all starts with a well-designed program that is flawlessly executed. While the execution is up to you, the rest is left to your body and its desire to take the punishment, convert the fuel you consume, and create an outcome that leaves your competition in the dust.

Muscle development is a well-understood process involving regular bouts of specific exercise that when performed properly, induces a marginal and tolerable level of damage that repairs and rebuilds so that it is bigger and stronger than before. You are, however, limited by the speed at which your cells get to work and the length of time it takes to rebuild from strenuous exercise. Of course, the harder you work, the more damage you do, and ultimately, the longer it takes to repair. And if you do too much, your result could become counter-productive. But, we do know there are plenty of ways to help fuel the recovery process and even reduce the amount of muscle breakdown during exercise. The key to success lies in the concept of muscle protein synthesis and optimizing this process.

Protein Has A New Best Friend

Velositol, a relatively new, and novel compound, affects how your body uses protein. It improves the rate at which protein is used. It increases the amount of protein used in muscle protein synthesis. It simply makes the protein you are consuming better. Whether you are looking for size, strength or speed, the process of repair is the same physiologically speaking, and the fastest way to reach goals is to be a precise as possible. Velositol will enable precision when it comes to activating and driving muscle protein synthesis. How do I know this and why am I so sure? Keep reading. But I am warning you now, only a handful of products currently use it, so getting your hands on it, may a bit of challenge.

Muscle Protein Synthesis

Perhaps one of the most widely studied areas of muscle physiology is protein synthesis. And even with all the data we have, knowing how much damage or how fast your body can repair it are both as unique as your fingerprint, and complex as the ability to understand Dark Matter (you know the stuff in space that has no explanation). True, one day we will have these answers, but for now, like most others who have done a little reading here and there, you add some protein, amino acids, or a host of other ingredients designed to improve the rate at which your muscle rebuilds and go ask the biggest guy in the gym, how to build muscle.

We do know that specific aspects of muscle rebuilding involve processes that can be controlled. They have technical names like mTor and refer to a sequence of events that is still unclear but appears to be activated, controlled, or mediated by amino acids. Hence why consuming protein is so popular – when it breaks down, it yields critical building blocks and pathway activators that improve the rate at which muscle repairs and rebuilds. If you speed up the process or make it more efficient, you reach your goals faster. As the name sounds, Velositol does just that.

Heavy Barbell Deadlift

HadelProductions / Getty

Protein Just Got Better

Even as short as a few years ago, there was still considerable push-back against protein especially when consuming quantities greater than a few grams at a time. Today, most kids know the importance of protein, and their parents have even ensured their school lunches have an adequate supply. Still, few understand why or even how it helps, but most folks have been told to take as much as possible. Interestingly, consuming large quantities of protein may even help control bodyweight issues, building muscle requires more than just opening up your pie-hole and shoveling it down. Timing is essential, and consuming protein before and/or after a workout has been shown to markedly improve the rate at which muscle synthesis occurs. But even then, not all the protein is used effectively. Unfortunately, muscle protein synthesis is a relatively inefficient process and often it is hard for the body to assimilate the protein properly, and to optimize muscle protein synthesis.

Since the primary components of protein are the amino acids, many have shifted to just using them or combining extra amino acids with protein. Some data supports this concept, however, it too still has flaws when it comes to efficiency due to absorption, transport, and the ability for cells to utilize the material properly. Fortunately, Velositol has come to the rescue. As an additive ingredient when consumed in conjunction with key amino acids and/or protein it appears to enhance their effects. And while continued research is curiously looking for the all the potential mechanisms and benefits of Velositol, the short-term results are remarkable. Velositol is quickly becoming a superstar in the world of protein and should be considered a requirement for those serious about seeing results.

The Velositol Edge

Using a patented and well-studied complex, Velositol has been birthed out of one of the most basic human needs, faster results. This unique combination has been shown in several studies to enhance the effects of protein, allowing for lower dosing for same-effect or improved effect when combined with normal protein consumption. What’s even better is that Velositol is not picky as to the kind of protein! So, even though animal protein still appears to outperform plant proteins when it comes to building muscle, Velositol works with all proteins, yielding very impressive results. Perhaps even more exciting, especially for those who are big advocates of amino acids (including the guy writing this), Velositol increases the effects of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)! Can I get a “Heck Yeah”??

Velositol amplifies and accelerates the effects of protein on Muscle Protein Synthesis. There appear to be a few mechanisms that may be affected by Velositol. So while more studies are underway, in addition to improved rates of muscle protein synthesis it is clear that Velositol has a positive effect on insulin, a key initiator and modulator of Muscle Protein Synthesis and amino acid uptake into muscle cells, where muscle protein synthesis takes place. Insulin has multiple functions and while too much, especially in the presence of high blood sugar levels, causes increased fat storage, the modest Velositol-induced insulin spike seen in the research does not cause an increase in blood sugar and thus it appears to be controlled, and directed at improving muscle protein synthesis.

The apparent benefits of Velositol continue to express themselves with each new study and application of use. While studies haven’t been conducted as to Velositol’s effect on lean mass yet, it has been shown that increased protein consumption and exercise, improves muscle protein synthesis and is the impetus to increased lean muscle mass. Since Velositol plays a significant role in these processes, and most persons are interested in muscle development for sport performance or appearance, it is hard to argue that Velositol shouldn’t be part of all programs designed with the goals of maximizing muscle development through exercise.

If you are satisfied with the results you are seeing from your training, then continue doing what you are doing. For the rest of us, maximizing protein intake, utilizing it more effectively, and improving the rate at which muscle builds is a constant challenge. Finding solutions is what pushes us. Best your competition. Best yourself. Look for the Velositol logo in your next supplement and take your training farther than it has ever been before.

Get the Velositol Volume Workout Routine >>

Sponsored Advertising Content by Nutrition 21, LLC. & Velositol®. For more on Velositol®, visit

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


  1. Moore DR, Robinson MJ, Fry JL, Tang JE, Glover EI, Wilkinson SB, Prior T, Tarnopolsky MA, Phillips SM. Ingested protein dose response of muscle and albumin protein synthesis after resistance exercise in young men. Am J Clin Nutr. 2009;89:161-168.
  2. Witard OC, Jackman SR, Breen L, Smith K, Selby A, Tipton KD. Myofibrillar muscle protein synthesis rates subsequent to a meal in response to increasing doses of whey protein at rest and after resistance exercise. Am J Clin Nutr. 2014;99:86-95.
  3. Ziegenfuss TN, Lopez HL, Kedia A, Habowski SM, Sandrock JE, Raub B, Kerksick CM, Ferrando AA. Effects of an amylopectin and chromium complex on the anabolic response to a suboptimal dose of whey protein. JISSN. 2017;14:6.
  4. Velositol Preclinical Study. The effect of whey, pea and BCAA proteins alone and combined with an amylopectin/chromium complex and exercise on muscle protein synthesis and translation initiation in the skeletal muscle of male rats. 2017. (N21 Data on file).
Via Bodybuilding Feed

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