Tuesday, December 12, 2017

20-minute Meal: Summer Roll Kimchi Salad and Sesame Chicken

Summer Roll Kimchi Salad and Sesame Chicken
Moya McAllister

This salad is perfect for lunch, a quick supper, or even as breakfast after an early-morning workout. The coconut oil may contain cholesterol-free saturated fats, but these fats in moderation are necessary for testosterone production to help build lean muscle; and chicken breasts are the perfect lean protein. Swap other ingredients depending upon what’s fresh at the market. Or sub microgreens or arugula for the mung bean sprouts if desired.  

Preheat oven to 400°. Combine coconut oil, Nama Shoyu, and fish sauce. Place chicken in a pan, and add marinade. Top with sesame seeds, and place in oven. Cook around 10 minutes, depending upon thickness of chicken breasts.
Combine salt, garlic, and 2 Tbsp vinegar in a bowl. Add to cabbage, and mix well. Set aside.
In a separate bowl, combine cucumber, carrot, radish, remaining 2 Tbsp vinegar, sesame oil, and lime juice. Mix.
In a small bowl, combine all dressing ingredients and whisk together.
Remove chicken from oven, and let cool. Slice to desired thickness.
Drain off excess liquid from cabbage; add to other veggies. Mix in scallions, mint, and cilantro, setting a few pieces aside for garnish.
Divide salad between two plates. Top with chicken and sprouts; drizzle on dressing and top with garnish.
Via Bodybuilding Feed http://www.rssmix.com/

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