Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Pro Bodybuilder Routine for a More Sculpted and Muscular Physique

Lawrence Ballenger's Pro Bodybuilder
Jeffrey Sygo/Courtesy Lawrence Ballenger

As a 6', 170-lb teenager, Lawrence Ballenger wasn’t quite ready to take the bodybuilding world by storm, but the winds of change began to blow strong once he started reading about how to train, eat, and recover properly. With the wheels set in motion, it wasn’t long before the once-skinny kid from Waukegan, IL, was starting to look like a bona fide bodybuilder.


“When it comes to working out, I’m all business,” Ballenger says. “No screaming, showboating, or looking for attention. I do this for me, not the trophies.”

And while he may be laid back when 
it comes to what others think, Ballenger admits that he maintains an elevated level of intensity and focus throughout every training session. He also places a high emphasis on diet and nutrition. “Yeah, we all want to get big, but not by pounding McDonald’s or other empty-calorie sources. Eating clean is definitely the way to go, which is why I steer toward complex carbs and lean proteins like fish, chicken breast, and sirloin steak.”

As Ballenger’s physique progresses, his goal is to obtain both his best physique and bodybuilding pro card, and to work with kids to help inspire them to reach for the stars while staying grounded in health 
and fitness. 


Via Bodybuilding Feed

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